Less Than Three Months To Go!

Laurie and I envision the Pacific Crest Trail to be an experience that challenges us physically, mentally and emotionally – both individually and as a couple.

We also envision it being a fun adventure. One in which our feet lead us to many awe-inspiring locations across the West.

But to get there, we have to “Leave behind the security of the wonderful place we’ve gotten to, in order to go to [places that are even better]” as John Francis explains in his TED talk ‘I walk the Earth.”

Experience has taught me over and over that change is worthwhile. Taking risks and leaving the security of my comfort zones leads to expansion and growth not possible otherwise.

And in hindsight, I always ask myself, “Why didn’t I make the change sooner?”

The answer is because I didn’t feel ready, and more to the point, because I was scared.

Scared of the unknown; scared of failure; scared of disappointing others; scared of disappointing myself.

But the truth is, the only way I can fail or disappoint myself is to not try in the first place.

I learned this on my John Muir Trail hike, but I find myself facing the same fears again, here and now.

Will I let that stop me? HECK NO!

See you on the trail.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowline. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

4 thoughts on “Less Than Three Months To Go!

  1. On your gear lists under Hydration I note your plan to use Platypus 1L bags w/push caps and the Sawyer filter. May I kindly suggest you obtain and use Evernew water bags. The Sawyer filter does not properly screw onto the Platypus bags, it does fit perfectly on Evernew bags. Also, I’ve found that after a few days of using those push caps my fingers got torn up, plain twist caps much kinder. One last suggestion, you can use a .7L Smartwater bottle with a flip top cap to back flush your Sawyer filter and leave the syring home. All the best to you both on the adventure!


    • Hey Drip, thanks for your message and we’ll wishes!!

      I use a Sawyer mini and Laurie uses a regular sawyer filter. We have them attached to our platy hoses. This works really well for us.

      Thanks for the tip on the back flush using Smartwater bottles.


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